"Passion, Power & Love - NewYear Workshop with Jan and team" - 28th December 2024 to 2nd January 2025 EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset - Led by Jan Day & Frieder Fischer

Workshops and Training with Jan Day

Jan's workshops are for everybody who wants to learn to experience a deeper relationship with themselves, with the people they meet and with Spirit. The workshops encourage you to be fully alive and present in your body, your feelings, your sexual nature, your heart, your being and your soul.

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Living Tantra - A Journey into Sex, Spirit and Relationship Jan Day's book

Reading the book, you will learn to embrace and understand your feelings and find a deeper friendship with yourself that builds confidence and self-esteem. You learn to connect with your own deep source of wisdom as you develop the capacity to listen both to yourself and others. You learn to appreciate the richness of all the gifts that life brings you, letting go of conditions and judgements.

Order Jan's book "Living Tantra"
Read more about Jan's book

A short introduction: What is the journey of "Living Tantra"?

Living Tantra is a form of neo-tantra that draws on the essence of tantra; a weaving together of all that is, a path of learning and growing that includes all aspects of our experience. (Source: Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (VBT) The mystical wisdom of the ultimate reality or Gods wisdom)

In Living Tantra, we begin by connecting and opening to the energies of the three main energy centres: Body, Heart and Head, drawing on their gifts and vitality to enhance all aspects of our lives and to truly come home to ourselves.


We start by making connection with the body centre because it is the centre that holds all the most powerful energies. It holds all our feelings, sexual energy, survival energy and power. These are all very strong driving energies and we can get lost in or overwhelmed by any one of them. Our traumas are also held in the body so it is important that explorations go slowly and that we are fully present to our experience.


The heart centre is about an over-flowing love rather than the excitement of romantic love; that belongs much more in the sex centre. It’s the love we feel when we see someone fully, in their vulnerability, in their power, in both light and dark, and we can embrace them in all of it. It’s an overflowing love for ourselves and our essential human-ness. It might come when you first see a new-born child and are overcome with love at the creation of a new life.


The head centre includes our intellect as well as intuition and the sacred which are experienced through the third eye and the crown. Opening the head centre opens us beyond ourselves to a subtle body energy that gives us a sense of unity, being one with all existence.

Opening to the head centre may be experienced as a radiance, where everything shines and there is barely any boundary between you and all existence. Or as an overwhelming peace, a feeling of calm and ease both ordinary and extraordinary, a lack of resistance to your experience so that you can just “be with” whatever is happening.

Take a peek inside our workshops

Jan's workshops offer a safe and nourishing space where you can explore the essence of human relationships.

You'll be able to:
  • Meet and connect with others in a caring, respectful environment
  • Learn to sense into your own boundaries and learn to express them
  • Learn to ask for what you want
  • Learn to communicate authentically
  • Find beauty in physical intimacy
  • Learn to say no with love
  • Discover different types of touch
  • Allow yourself to be seen. loved and nurtured Discover how to be intimate, the key to successful relationships
  • Learn to befriend the life of your feelings and develop empathy

The meetings, guided processes, meditations, dance and circlework enable you to grow and explore at your own pace in a playful and supportive learning environment.

Jan's workshops are for everybody who wants to learn to experience a deeper relationship with themselves, with the people they meet and with Spirit.

The workshops encourage you to be fully alive and present in your body, your feelings, your sexual nature, your heart, your being and your soul.

You learn to embrace and understand your feelings and find a deeper friend-ship with yourself that builds confidence and self-esteem.

You learn to connect with your own deep source of wisdom as you develop the capacity to listen both to yourself and others.

You learn to appreciate the richness of all the gifts that life brings you, letting go of conditions and judgements.

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About Jan Day

Jan Day

Relationship expert and tantra teacher, Jan Day has been teaching since 1999. She brings extraordinary warmth and compassion to her work in groups, with individuals and with couples focussing on intimacy, sexuality and self-love. In her one-day singles workshop she enables participants to gently explore what they would like in their love relationships and how they can learn to have the confidence to step forward and create the relationships they desire.

She creates a learning environment where people can get a vital education in communicating effectively, creating authentic intimate long-lasting relationships, understanding their sexual nature and how to find a warm hearted and healthy expression of their sensual nature.

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"Finding Jan and this work is like discovering a diamond in the coalmine of life"

- Tom S

Meditation CD now available

Meditation CD by Jan Day